We have acquired businesses over the last 12 months and now find ourselves with integration issues. These include different values, job title conventions, approaches to performance management, communication channels and HR technology. We need to start to align our people so they feel part of the same organisation, but we also need to be able to report on our headcount and staff mix which is becoming increasingly complex and manual.
Our approach to performance management needs to align globally
We want to implement a single instance of Workday but today we manage performance differently in every region across the globe. We have to re-align the approach if we want the technology to work for all 84,000 people, but it’s going to take a lot of negotiation to land an approach that everyone is happy with.
Our people technology doesn’t support our leaders to manage their teams
Our leaders need the skills to role model the right behaviours
Having asked our people’s opinions via an expensive, annual and logistically difficult survey, we recognised that we were struggling and getting nowhere with improving employee engagement. We need a different approach to how we engage and our managers and our leaders need the skills to role model the right behaviours.
We need to professionalise our working practices
We’ve grown and continue to acquire but up until now we haven’t needed to invest in the standard people solutions. We now need to. It feels chaotic and people feel detached from our vision. We need to get back to basics and remind people of why we have become successful, what are the values of our business that have made us so successful and how can we build on our culture.
We need to promote our internal career opportunities
We want to create a culture of Continual Employee Listening
We say our people’s opinion’s count but we haven’t asked them for 2 years. We have a cynical workforce who lack trust in how we will use the data they provide. We’ve procured a new tool to regularly listen our people’s views and we now need a plan to launch it and embed a successful listening approach